More Information Coming Soon...
Application: Game
Engine: Unreal
Development Period: In Progress
Platform: PC
With assets and animations found on mixamo, I have been creating a Zombie AI for a small project in order to help me learn the animation process in Unreal Engine.
Since starting this project I have deepened my knowledge on how to use Blueprints with Anim States, LocoMotion and Blendspaces to create dynamic Zombies. Using Bone Groups to
play different animations across the body. For example having the Zombie Run and Attack at the same time, or walk and react to being shot while still moving forward.
Using Blueprints and Blendstates for the Zombie to walk to the window and vault.
Using Blueprints to randomly assign different Locomotions to the Zombies movement type for variation.
Using Blueprints to randomly assign different Locomotions to the Zombies movement type for variation.
Using a Behaviour Tree, the Zombie Ai approach the window, destroy it, vault over it and then try attack the player.
Using Blueprints and Blendstates the Player can Walk, Run and Aim with different Weapons
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